Call for Papers for the Third Issue of the Journal Cuadernos de Nuestra América
Topic: The Multipolarity-Multilateralism Debate
July 10, 2022
The Center for International Policy Research (CIPI in Spanish) based in Havana, Cuba, invites researchers, political analysts, academics and national and foreign diplomats to submit articles for a new edition of its journal Cuadernos de Nuestra América for the October-December 2022 quarter.
The current dynamics of the International System, the recomposition and formation of new alliances, the rise of new poles of world power different from the traditional ones, the rise of non-alignment, and regional leaderships, are key categories in the understanding of the accelerated advance towards a world in which the confluence between multipolarity and multilateralism shape the foreign policy agendas of great powers, rising powers and developing countries. The prominent role of China, ASEAN, Russia and India, the relative decline of U.S. hegemonic power, the fractures in the integrationist paradigm of the European Union, the relevance of new geopolitical concepts such as the Indo-Pacific, and the new progressive trends in Latin America and the Caribbean, also occupy an essential place in the shaping of a new multipolar international order based on multilateralism.
In accordance with the new transformations of the current International System, the journal Cuadernos de Nuestra América will be devoted to the topic:
«The Multipolarity-Multilateralism Debate». Articles should be sent to before September 10, 2022. The Editorial Policy and Publication Rules of the journal are available at