Call for Papers – 22nd Edition of the Conversation Series “Cuba in the Foreign Policy of the United States of America”

Second Call
The Center for International Policy Research (CIPI), with the co-sponsorship of the Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI), is calling for the 22nd edition of the Conversation Series ‘Cuba in the Foreign Policy of the United States of America’, with the theme: ‘The Road to a Diplomatic Relationship: Ten Years Later’.
The meeting will be held in person on 17, 18 and 19 December 2024, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the announcements made by President Barack Obama and President Raúl Castro on 17 December 2014.
The 22nd edition will take place shortly after the US presidential elections and in an international context marked by geopolitical conflicts whose short, medium and long-term consequences are part of the new global debates.
The experience accumulated by experts and scholars will enrich the debate on the challenges of a complex relationship, marked by recurring tensions, and at the same time will allow emphasis to be placed on the benefits of a respectful coexistence that has an effect on third parties.
As in previous years, the activities will be broadcast live on digital platforms and there will be a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person.
The event will be organized in the following panels:
First Panel: Dedicated to the ten years since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations.
Second Panel: Outcome of the 2024 general elections and their impact on the bilateral relations. Voter behavior in the elections: Cubans and other minorities.
Third Panel: National security issues. Migratory Agreements. Law enforcement.
Fourth Panel: Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in different areas of relations between the two countries.
Fifth Panel: Young people’s views on the future dynamics of bilateral relations.
Sixth Panel: Cubans in the United States, their participation in local politics and the development of the family and economic agenda towards Cuba.
Seventh Panel: Evolution of Cuba’s ties with third countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa in terms of the impact on bilateral relations with the US.
Those interested in participating should contact the Organizing Committee by email:
We would be grateful if the details for the application form could include:
- Name and last name
- Institution where you work and address
- Address
- E-mail address
Those interested in presenting should include the title of the paper, accompanied by an abstract of up to 250 words, to be submitted by 14 October. The Academic Committee will evaluate the proposals and will communicate its acceptance on 15 November.
The final version of the paper must be received by the Organizing Committee between 9 and 12 December. If the speaker uses any presentation software, he/she must send it to be organized with the computer services.
Queridas compañeras y compañeros,
En vísperas de lo que pudiera ser el inicio de la III Guerra Mundial y de grandes desafíos y peligros, creo que es un momento propicio para intercambiar, analizar, debatir y reflexionar sobre lo que enfrentamos y las vías para superarlos y sobrevivir; por ello les ruego me permitan participar en este importante evento en nuestro amado pais